rock paper soul | kivi sielu paperi
Galleria Huuto, Helsinki
Solo Exhibition | Yksityisnäyttely
Exhibition text:
Wallpaper paste has dried to my fingers and ink to the brush
Stains have blotted on paper.
Little souls. Light colours all around them.
Something about stone and brick:
Very angular, straightish kinks almost sharp.
Coarseness and dust that damp paper refuses to stick to.
Stones fit in with the others with great difficulty. Then again, rigidity.
Nothing much needs to be said about paper. It knows its place. In the background, giving space.
The brain has been resting and the soul wandering.
Forehead leaning against a cool stone, hands hanging limp.
Stone paper soul was an exhibition or an installation.
A dialogue between space, paper, minimal drawings and minerals.
The eye’s journey across materials, thoughts drifting to, thoughts drifting fro.