Getting Intimate
Galleria 3H+K, Pori
Solo Exhibition | Yksityisnäyttely
Easy Ascent | Helppo nousu
Indian ink on wallpaper, put on the black metal seam on the floor, 60 x 20 x 10 cm, 2020
Exhibition view | Näyttelynäkymä
Naturally Curly | Luonnonkihara
Wallpaper, 90 cm x 350 cm, 2020
Tempter | Houkuttelija
Wallpaper on wall, 52 x 52 cm, 2020
To Be Wallflowers | Olla seinäruusuina
Indian ink on wallpaper, 260 x 200 cm, 2020
Exhibition view | Näyttelynäkymä
Horizontal Tendency | Horisontaalitaipumus
Wallpaper on wall, 350 x 110 cm, 2020
Easy Ascent | Helppo nousu
Indian ink on wallpaper, put on the black metal seam on the floor, 60 x 20 x 10 cm, 2020
Getting Intimate was a process-based wallpaper and a drawing installation. Exhibition text:
I straighten a piece of paper that has been rolled up for a long time. An odd smell spreads throughout the room, the label on the package says it’s vinyl. I probe the surface of the old wallpaper, examining patterns from decades ago. I try to communicate with the yellowish gradient and become frustrated with an impossible glass fibre lump but reach an agreement of sorts with the strange decoration and trace its shape with Indian ink until the connection is severed. Seeking counsel from a cobble stone doubling as a paper weight; I press my cheek against its cool, jagged surface. Stones are quiet. Paper waits and smells. Ink dries on the paintbrush.