Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired

Third Space, Helsinki
Drawing performance | Piirustusperformanssi

Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper, detail. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper, detail. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper, duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper, detail. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper, detail. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017


Without a Ruler – An Act of Becoming Tired
Drawing performance, charcoal on paper. Duration 2 x 7 h, 2017